Australia seems quite classless next to the UK, the only housing estate I've seen was in Home and Away and people seem to live easily together. It can be quite confusing and I'm having to learn new rules. A tattoo doesnt necessarily mean you're a tosser and it seems Australia is made up of an ethnic mix and you are judged on what you are, not who. I've decided I like Bogans and its accepted that people come from different countries. I saw a beautiful Japanese girl today and although I'm hardly the karate kid it almost brought a new meaning to the term 'wax off"
We feel threatend in the UK. Why? Because keener harder working better qualified people are coming in and doing the jobs we cant be arsed to do. They cook they clean, they sweep.. The irony is that repulsed by this mass immigration Mr Middle England, threatened and desperate to maintain his idea of what the country should be..emigrates to Spain.
Jervois Bay Sailing Club is South of Fremantle. Its somewhere between a Club Med holiday and "Apocalypse Now". I sailed there today and it was great. Again a warm welcome and the breeze was 10 -12 knots. The guys were great. Among the kind members, seemingly all Rear Commodores (Drinking) we bumped into Philippe Péché who was a helmsman on Orange 2 when they took the Jules Verne sailing around the world in 50 days. Small world.
John went out on his board, but with not enough wind came in, I sailed in some of the best conditions ever, it reminded me of sailing here at the 505 Worlds some years back but I didnt sink this time. Anyway when I'd done practicing I had a max speed of 24.2 knots on the clock. Not bad and this new boat definately takes thing to the next level. The rudder mechansim is mercedes solid and she rocks down wind, absolutely silent with not one single litle bit of ventilation. Also I was realy please with the new KA MSL10b I was using today.
Its Australia day tomorrow. We are going to see the sky show!
Great blog Simon.
I looked up what a Bogan is.
You still have not shown us all your white bits... Are you using a cable still, or have you gone for a push rod thing? I am trying to work out the best way to attach my wand to my centerboard and I am wondering who to copy. How can I innovate unless I can steal others development work?
Love the blog Simon - keep it up!
Fat Bottomed Girl (or at least my boat is...)
Glad you have finally made a Blog!
The boat and weather look awesome, especially when the UK is cold and raining!
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