Yesterday we were battered, Hobie 16's skated through the dinghy park and anchored Moths strained at their leashes. Torrential rain brought zero visibility and the practice race was cancelled.
Shame, the only time we would have seen 100 foilers on one start line.
Today we are in fleets, red and yellow, 50 boats in each, and the World Championships start for real...In theory.
My fleet looks tough with John Harris, Bora Gulari and Andrew McDougall to race against, but so does the other with Scott Babbage, Matt Belcher and Arnaud Psarofaghis and Graham Vials...
But again the Armageddon conditions mean that the race office is putting all his hopes on a two hour weather window at 1400 hours. Hmmm..Its already 30 knots and we are on a postponement.
Rest of the week looks the same. Shit.
Last night, with 40 knots and the highest tide of the year Portland Race was awesome, smashing waves into the Brittany esque coast that had us in awe. We crept to the craggy edge and then bolted for a rock as all hell broke loose and waves with the power of God's fist smashed all around us.
I wished for wind for you guys, but probably should have been more careful whát (or how much!) I wished for... Sorry!
all the best for the upcoming event..... I'll be following you
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