Monday, 18 February 2008

Race Relations

I see from Rohan's blog that in Australia the "Blade Rider X8" and the "Foiler Moth" have been given two separate handicap numbers by Yachting Victoria. This almost celebratory post doesn't explain why this has happened, but I see there is a footnote on the Yachting Victoria PDF that the Bladerider X8 is a new class and more results are needed. A new class? Really? I'd stretch to a new new colour combination perhaps...but thats it.

But why is it a new class? Are sailors requesting it? Have the race committee defined it as a new class based on their understanding of the marketing? Or was it just an administrative fuck up.. Hhmm let me guess.

Discrimitation rarely gets rave reviews and even if it was just an innocent accident, and that is perfectly possible, it still needs to be stamped out.

As an example.. Do we really want two young sailors from say WA, who, keen to start a fleet buy a Blade Rider and a Prowler, and subsequently are not able to start together because Yachting Victoria's handicapping is currently Australia's most credible statistic where Moths are concerned?
Hell they might not even be able to share the same part of the dinghy park... How pig stupid.

And speaking of animals, I've often thought that if animals became aware of their strength they wouldnt get whipped quite so much, and to borrow from Dr Martin Luther King, "our nettlesome task is to discover how to organise our selves into a compelling power".

So recognise you are sailing a moth, be savvy enough to see through any devisive marketing tactics, do what you want with your boat, modify it, change it, and take all the stupid names off it, apart from the moth symbol.

Because if you dont guys, your gonna have a hell of a job convincing the race committe that you shouldn't start behind me at the next big pursuit race.


Anonymous said...

weren't we told that bladrider wern't intending to start their own class. I read a interview with Rohan recently done by and Andy Rice where he talks about starting a prize money circuit nad getting isaf recongition this year.

If any Bladerider owners are reading this our concern is that you won't want to join in with the rest of the moth class. Every one is very welcome at any moth event!

Doug Culnane said...

Is this more clumsy PR for BR or some BR BS?

BR sailors have to decide if they want to be part of the IMCA or not. I think we have a lot more to offer, in terms of history, fleet quality, events and interest level, than a one-design where you are held to ransom by one supplier, and your events are where new markets are not sailors.

I look forward to a respectful response from BR clearing up the misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...


Relax - as a new bladerider owner i can safely say that the only reason we bought them was to take part in the Moth fleet (They are int moths after all???) - Why would you want to do anything different?

We bought them because they were a proven fast design (And hence its just my lack of skill that makes it go slowly) - and not being that technically minded - was spot on! (And they are now well built as well!)

If all fails - then we'll just take the stickers off and paint the bloody thing pink!